
Saturday, 14 May 2011

Importance of Colour Gamut and Texture of Inkjet Canvas

The inkjet canvas industry is very competitive. Hence, promising optimum quality is not enough. Printers, artists and photographers who buy inkjet canvas for their specific needs require a great colour reproduction and fine texture too. In fact, through their experience of using inkjet canvas, these professionals are able to distinguish between a good and an inferior quality of inkjet canvas and do not require a colour gamut measurement tool for the purpose. All that they need to do is print a colour target with multiple colour patches on an inkjet canvas of their choice. They then use these colour targets to compare the various colours and decide which inkjet canvas has the best colour gamut.

Apart from the colour gamut, the texture of the inkjet canvas is also very important in determining its quality. The best inkjet canvas exudes a natural look. However, there are several glossy and sparkling inkjet canvas options available in the market too but they are not used generally by printers or artists who consider them as cheap reproductions.


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